Phase 1 of the project involved an upgrade to the life safety systems in six dormitory buildings, including a complete sprinkler and fire alarm retrofit. Phase 2 included a new 150 bed vertical expansion to Companies 1 and 2, and renovations to existing core bathrooms in all six companies. Phases 3 and 4 involved the de-centralization of the heating and domestic hot water systems from the campus central plant and provided the six dormitory buildings and Student Union building (250,000 sq/ft total) with a new boiler plant for heating and domestic hot water. Total construction cost for all phases was approximately $25 million.
The new boiler plant design included (6) 2,000 MBH high efficiency gas-fired hot water boilers and circulating pumps with premium efficiency motors and variable frequency drives. In addition, (3) 65 KW gas-fired micro-turbines were installed to provide electricity (grid connected) and pre-heat hot water for building heating and domestic hot water systems. Dedicated outside air energy recovery units utilizing enthalpy wheels were provided to pre-condition the corridor ventilation air from the energy recovered from the toilet/bath exhaust. An 81 kW photovoltaic array utilizing 450 Evergreen panels were installed on top of the addition. In addition to the roof-mounted PV system, 62 solar site lighting fixtures were also installed. Energy efficient lighting fixtures were provided in all corridors and common areas with occupancy sensors and lighting controls. Water-conserving plumbing fixtures were utilized in all core bathrooms and cadet rooms, including dual flush water closets, waterless urinals, low flow shower heads, and low flow metered faucets. All new systems and equipment were connected to the central campus energy management system.
Phase 1 was completed in 2005. Phase 2 was completed in 2007 and is LEED gold certified. Phases 3 and 4 were completed in 2009.