The project includes renovations and additions to an existing historic four-story elementary school. The new addition consists of a four-story expansion that included a cafeteria, warming kitchen, a gymnasium, classrooms for pre-K to 5th grade, and support spaces.
The mechanical systems in both the existing building and the addition were all new. New high efficiency gas fired hot water boilers and pumps were installed in the existing boiler room to serve the entire school. An insulated piping system distributed hot water to terminal heating units, wall mounted radiation, and heating coils within air handling equipment.
The existing classroom building is provided with thru-wall classroom unit ventilators on the upper floors and overhead units on the lower level to satisfy space heating and ventilation requirements. Hot water radiation was installed in corridors, toilet rooms, coat rooms, and other areas as required to properly heat the building. Corridor ventilation was provided from a 100% outdoor air unit located in the attic with fresh air and supply ductwork. Toilet exhaust fans and ductwork were installed to remove unwanted air from toilet rooms and janitors’ closest. Air conditioning units were proved for the nurses’ office and administrative offices.
The new addition is provided with a roof mounted air cooled water chiller and indoor pumps to provide chilled water to the gymnasium/auditorium, cafeteria, and nurse and administration air conditioning units. The gymnasium and cafeteria air conditioning units are provided with hot and chilled water coils, filters, and economizers. The new classrooms and support areas are provided with unit ventilators, radiation and exhaust fans similar to the existing building.
The existing plumbing systems were replaced with new water conserving fixtures, a central gas fired domestic water heater and ADA compliant toilet rooms were constructed. The entire facility is protected by a NFPA code compliant sprinkler system.